ILGenWeb Logo

Effingham County, IL


Submit Surnames

Below is the surname form for submitting your Effingham County surnames.

As an alternative, you may e-mail me your Effingham County surnames with "Effingham County Surnames" in the subject line.

Please take extra care in making sure your return e-mail address is correct, otherwise I will have no way of contacting you.

Your Name:
  (Please enter your full name)
E-Mail Address:
  **Very Important** - you MUST provide your CORRECT e-mail address if you want your surnames posted.


Please list your surnames in alphabetical order

Surname 1: Do Not include any first names or dates.  The surnames page is for Surnames Only (which means last names only).  You can post queries with more details on your surnames.  Thanks.
Surname 2:
Surname 3:
Surname 4:
Surname 5:
Surname 6:
Surname 7:
Surname 8:
Surname 9:
Surname 10:
Surname 11:
Surname 12:
Surname 13:
Surname 14:
Surname 15:
Surname 16:
Surname 17:
Surname 18:
Surname 19:
Surname 20:
Your surnames will NOT immediately appear on the surname page. Updates are done as the volunteer's time permits

If you get a "Server Error" when submitting your surnames, then you have probably not entered a valid e-mail address. If so, then please resubmit your surnames with a valid e-mail address.

For corrections or additions, please contact me: State Coordinator

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